Like other elderly animals suffering from arthritis, Tom cant jump like he used to and the garden fence that blocks his passage into the wide world beyond the garden proved to be too much for him. 像其他患有关节炎的老了的动物一样。Tom不能再和过去一样能跳过花园的栅栏了。花园的栅栏挡住了它通往外面广阔世界的路,因为现在它不可能再跨越这道栅栏了。
The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the worlds largest particle accelerator. Its used to smash together elementary particles the fundamental building blocks of our world and universe. 位于瑞士日内瓦附近的大型强子对撞机(LHC)是世界最大的粒子加速器,用于基本粒子(世界和宇宙的基本组成单元)的对撞。
Kone is a bellwether for global construction activity because its products are found in buildings ranging from apartment blocks to shopping centres around the world. 通力是全球建筑活动的晴雨计,因为该公司的产品用于世界各地的各类建筑物,从公寓大楼到购物中心。
The unfolding of this incarnation journey leads you to so many life turns, forks in the road and road blocks that it can be very unsettling to your inner world. 这转世之旅的开展(译注:指在地球上一生的生活)让你面临如此多的生命转折、岔路和可以极大扰乱你内心世界的路障。
Saving theirs, no eyes beheld the two divine figures released by skillful blows from the rough blocks that had imprisoned them since the world began. 除了他们两人之外,没人能看到那些从世界伊始就被禁锢住的石块,是如何在巧手下升华为栩栩如生的雕像的。
Which is very lucky for us as it's meant that there are lots of old blocks of the oldest shiraz vines in the world. 我们非常幸运,因为如此,在这里至今拥有很多世界上年龄最长的西拉老藤。
Meanwhile, a recent flurry of legal activity in the form of unilateral blocks on imports, and of litigation at the World Trade Organisation, might persuade a casual observer that there is a trade war under way. 同时,最近各国以单方面阻止进口形式掀起一阵法律行动,并在世贸组织(wto)展开一连串诉讼,这或许会使一些漫不经心的观察者相信,贸易战正在爆发。
Introduction: Nanshan is an area where numerous bars are located, especially in blocks such as Sea World Bar Street and Huaqiaocheng Bar Street. 活动内容:南山是深圳一个酒吧较为集中的地区;尤其集中在海上世界酒吧街,华侨城酒吧街等街区。
These five elements act as the building blocks from which our material world and bodies are built. 这五种元素是构筑物质世界和身材的基本个体。
Its five connected blocks ( A-E) sit clustered like a gigantic decaying tooth on some of the most expensive real estate in the world-the southern end of Hong Kong's ritzy Nathan Road. 五栋联体大楼(A-E)交错着,像巨大的蛀牙,矗立在香港豪华的弥敦道南端,全世界最昂贵的不动产之间。
More recent work has begun looking beyond the body's basic building blocks to reveal how changes in development have resulted in some of the world's most celebrated of evolutionary events. 最近已经开始进行的研究工作致力于研究身体的基本构件之外的东西,以便揭示发育的改变如何造成了世界上最著名的一些进化事件的发生。
The courtyard, which enclosed by the three main blocks, becomes a place for the gathering of ideas and inspiration, while maintains a certain distance from the chaos of the outside world. 而三个主建筑体围合而成的内庭,适当制造与外界的距离感同时,成为结集创意灵感的核心场所。
Those blocks showed up in his outer world by losing all he had. 这些障碍通过外在的“丢失”而展现出来。
It arrived seven blocks north-west of the NYSE, at the World Financial Centre headquarters of Merrill Lynch, where the investment bank was in the process of imploding. 新的挑战在纽交所西北七个街区处出现了,这里是美林总部所在地世界金融中心大厦(WorldFinancialCentre)。这家投资银行正处于内爆过程。
India is planning its largest ever auction of oil and gas exploration blocks and has set a tentative start date of mid-November to begin marketing the sale around the world. 印度计划进行该国历史上最大规模的油气勘探区块拍卖,并已暂定于11月中旬开始在全球推广促销。
The separate business of finance system of our country blocks the development of finance industry of China and also violates the mixing business management trend of the scope of world. 我国目前实行的金融分业经营制度,阻碍了我国金融业的发展,也与世界范围的混业经营趋势相违背。
In comparison, the North China Craton is one of the typical Archean cratonic blocks of the world. 华北克拉通是世界典型太古宙克拉通陆块之一。
The tectonic correlation between ancient Chinese blocks ( ACBs) with other typical continental blocks of the world in Precambrian, and the tectonic collage model of ACBs within the supercontinents became the challenging scientific question faced by Chinese geologists. 华北克拉通与世界古陆块的前寒武纪构造演化对比,及其在超大陆中的拼合模式成为我国大陆地质学研究面临的挑战性重大科学问题。
Some huge shrines, such as the one at Ellora caves were not actually constructed using blocks, but instead carved out of rock, making them perhaps the largest and most intricate sculptures in the world. 一些巨大的佛龛,如在埃洛拉,并不是用单独的石块,而是直接在岩石上刻出来的,他们也许是世界上现存的最大,而且最复杂的雕塑。
As an important part of the blocks, the band pass filters with high-quality, flat group-delay, low insertion loss and good frequency selectivity have received more and more attention all over the world. 作为系统重要的组成部分,高品质因数、等时延、低插入损耗和高选频特性的带通滤波器倍受关注。